Dear Alt-right: No, we’re not “anti-white”

To the white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other members of the so-called “alt-right”:

The fact that people oppose you does not make them “anti-white”. Believing that it does suggests a major misconception on your part – namely, that you represent what it means to be “white”.

That’s just stupid.

When you choose to march in the name of bigotry, in the name of intolerance, and in the name of hatred, you are going to be opposed. Not because you’re white – but because you’re a bigot, because you’re racist. and, frankly, because you’re a bunch of assholes. You invite opposition by your actions.

In a similar vein, people who reject your values and stand against you are not “haters”. You seem to have that covered yourself. The fact that we find you rude, crude, and socially unacceptable stems from the fact that, at the core, you are evil. Standing against bigotry in support of tolerance and brotherhood is not hating. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

Don’t misjudge your position. I am among millions of Americans who share the same skin color as you. And we reject you. We disown you. We can’t stop you from hating; we can’t stop you from holding the beliefs that you hold. But we can invite you to STFU and crawl back under the rock you’ve been hiding under these past decades.

You don’t speak for us.

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