Shutdown – “The Art Of The Deal!”

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “Well, there they go again”. The Federal government is shut down, with each side, as is custom, blaming the other. Not without some merit, but from where I sit, the primary fault lies on the Republican side, for one simple reason:

Failure to govern.

I’ll start with the White House, and simply say “case closed.”

On the Congressional side, The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) act is the proximate excuse for the shutdown. After President Trump announced he’d sign ANY bi-partisan legislation placed in front of him, he reneged, in his famous “shithole countries” meeting. it was Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown. And it left legislators on BOTH sides of the aisle seething. Bi-partisanship, indeed.

The House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution through February, which actually addressed several important issues – primary among those a 6-year funding extension for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). But it didn’t address DACA, which both sides want resolved in much the same way.

Republicans – especially the President – are now shouting that the Democrats shut the government down to support illegal immigration over the military.


The government has been shut down over a lack of good faith, pure and simple. And there’s an easy way out of this.

Senator Mitch McConnell needs to show that the Republicans can govern.

He needs to remember that Congress is a co-equal branch of Government, and can, when so motivated, do its job with or without the help of the President.

He needs to remember that bi-partisanship works – especially when most of the hard work has already been done.

He needs to govern.

A simple path out of this shutdown is as follows:

  1. Republican and Democratic senators meet, and come to an informal – but sincere – agreement that DACA will be a priority in the next three weeks, using the framework already developed. The framework will be focused on acceptability within the legislative branch, and not the the whims of the Jell-O like President.
  2. Pass the continuing resolution. Reopen the government immediately.
  3. Put together a DACA bill that will garner 70+ votes in the Senate. Something that pulls 40-11 on the Republican side and a majority of Democrats should be doable – again, they’re in violent agreement on the major outlines of the deal – and pass it. (For those worried about slapping a bill together in haste – they managed with tax reform …..)
  4. Call it “The Art of the Deal Act (TADA)
  5. Send it to the President, with the understanding that a veto WILL be overridden.

For the Republicans, the upside is obvious – showing that they CAN do what they’ve been accused of not being able to do. Actually govern. The risk? They can’t pull it off, and the “Can’t govern” claim sticks.

For the Democrats, they show that they’re willing partners, and not simply obstructionists. And the risk is limited – if a deal can’t be reached by Feb 8th, the threat of another shutdown is available.

This is all avoidable. Both sides in Congress simply need to act in good faith, to implement what they’re basically in agreement on.

The shutdown WILL end. A budget resolution of some sort for the rest of the year WILL pass. The government will re-open. How about we Stamp Out Stupid, drop the posturing and overblown hyperbole, and get it done sooner rather than later, with minimal disruption to the most important business of governing the great land.

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